After installing RPi Zero, Prusa MK3S+ has frequent, temporary hangs that negatively affect print quality. Removing RPi resolves the issue.
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After installing RPi Zero, Prusa MK3S+ has frequent, temporary hangs that negatively affect print quality. Removing RPi resolves the issue.  

Active Member
After installing RPi Zero, Prusa MK3S+ has frequent, temporary hangs that negatively affect print quality. Removing RPi resolves the issue.

After installing RPi Zero W, my Prusa MK3S+ has frequent, temporary hangs during a print that negatively affect print quality. These hangs usually happen once every 10 or 20 seconds, and only last a second or two, but the extra extrusion during that time will often ruin the print surface. 

Photo below is side-by-side, the edge of a model printed using the same Gcode, same filament, etc. The only difference is that I powered down the machine and removed the RPi. Removing RPi resolves the print quality issue. I also confirmed it's reproducible 100% of the time by starting another bad print after connecting the RPi again.

Video shows the in-print hangs when the RPi is connected. I have not yet tried leaving the RPi installed but turning off the port in software.

MK3S+ firmware is 3.14.0-8066

EINSy_10a (2024-05-22)

PrusaLink 0.8.1 on the Prusa-assembled RPi Zero W, purchased directly from the Prusa Shop with the GPIO soldering already complete.

print quality comparison


This topic was modified 8 months ago 3 times by cookiecrook
Posted : 23/07/2024 1:30 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: After installing RPi Zero, Prusa MK3S+ has frequent, temporary hangs that negatively affect print quality. Removing RPi resolves the issue.

Removing RPi resolves the hangs and subsequent print quality issue.

Posted : 23/07/2024 1:37 am