Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
I'm having trouble finding the manual for this.
Thinking about buying one but would like to know how they are powered.
Do they plug into the USB-C port on the Mk4S or do they require a seperate USB power supply?
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
I just received my Buddy3d camera, and wondered the same thing. I tried plugging it in the USB-C port, but unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. I have to use a seperate power supply for now. I’m hoping a future update may fix this, but I have no idea if that is at all possible.
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
That's maybe a solution for that issue:
Hope the power supply has enough free power to support a camera (think so, will try to check that later when my ordered camera is delivered...)
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
There is a great mod from a guy on Etsy that I purchased - fits at the bottom of the power supply and provides 5v usb - currently running my Buddy cam from it with no problems. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1709588036/prusa-mk4smk35smk3s-usb-add-on
Another model, much earlier than those suggested: https://www.printables.com/model/855702-usb-charging-connection-for-mk4-conexion-carga-usb
Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
My MK4s is in an enclosure. Enclosure needs a plug also. I bought a short extension cord with USB power connectors also. I then have a remote control on the wall plug. Everything powers on/off from the remote.
There is a great mod from a guy on Etsy that I purchased - fits at the bottom of the power supply and provides 5v usb - currently running my Buddy cam from it with no problems. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1709588036/prusa-mk4smk35smk3s-usb-add-on
Hey, thank you for your kind message. I'm the Etsy seller for this mod. I'm selling two different versions: One for the MK Family (MK4, MK4S, MK3.5, MK3.5S, MK3S+,MK3S) and one for the XL. I've been personnaly using this mod on printers for 9 months now and it works really well.
You can find it here: USB Mod (Affiliated Etsy link)
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
I’d love to get one if it’s safe. Is it current limited or fused in some way to prevent fire in the event of a direct short? What happens if you plug in something like an iPad, which uses more than 1 amp?
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
I’d love to get one if it’s safe. Is it current limited or fused in some way to prevent fire in the event of a direct short? What happens if you plug in something like an iPad, which uses more than 1 amp?
It is extremely safe 😉 The output has a short circuit protection that will auto recover once the short circuit disappears. If you plug something that draws more than 1A, the current will simply be limited to 1A.
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
I see the buddy camera for the core one says that one powers this camera from the usb c connection from the motherboard, does the core one use the same motherboard as the mk4s ? If so then I wonder why they do not activate the usb c on the mk4s to also give power. Any one with a core one that can confirm this....
RE: Power for Buddy3d USB-C camera
Yes, I noticed too that the CoreOne’s BuddyCam says it CAN be powered by the printer’s USB-C port. Of course, we’ve learned that is NOT the case with the MK4S and its BuddyCam. I ASSUME the CoreOne uses the same xBuddy board, so my guess is the CoreOne’s BuddyCam has been modified to use less current so it doesn’t overload the xBuddy board. Looks like they’ve removed the (unimplemented) pan/tilt motors from the original BuddyCam.