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Self Test fails on X Axis  

Active Member
Self Test fails on X Axis
I have had my Prusa Mini for about 2 months now and have had many successful prints. Recently, I have been having a lot of layer shifting and under extrusion with my prints (especially those in Draft mode from PrusaSlicer).
In order to fix this I have adjusted the belt and followed the Prusa instructions on doing a cold pull as well as accessing and cleaning the extruder pulley. At this point I think it has been properly cleaned. After I have done all these steps I ran a self-test and I keep getting a failure on when it is testing the x-axis. I have tried many times to adjust the belt and tighten or loosen the screws on the X/Y belts but have had no luck. I lubricated and did a factory reset as well but still no success.
I appreciate any insight you can provide on this matter. When I do manually move the belt it does feel like there may be a slight skip or tight area but I don't really know how it should feel.

Posted : 31/07/2020 10:29 pm
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Topic starter answered:
RE: Self Test fails on X Axis

I am still getting layer shifting as well

Posted : 01/08/2020 2:59 am