Question on "Life Adjust" procedure for the mini: Does it work?
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Question on "Life Adjust" procedure for the mini: Does it work?  

Illustrious Member
Question on "Life Adjust" procedure for the mini: Does it work?

Question for you lucky Mini owners: Does Jeff Jordan's "Life Adjust" procedure for calibrating your Live-Z setting still work or are modified gcode files necessary? I find pointing new owners to Jeff's procedure if they're having Live-Z adjustment issues helps a lot of people get things going, but I have no way of determining if the same gcode will work properly on the Mini. Has anyone tried it?

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Posted : 29/12/2019 6:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Question on "Life Adjust" procedure for the mini: Does it work?

Hi Bobstro, 

I believe the object will be offset to the Right and to the rear of centre, on the Mini, as the  mni has a  smaller bed, and the  gcode is referenced to the front left corner of the build plate!...

But, Like you, what would I know, as I don't have a Mini! 

regards Joan

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Posted : 30/12/2019 12:10 am