Please help!!!
Hello everyone,
I’ve had my printer for a month now and haven’t been able to successfully print anything because there’s always an issue.
It all started when my filament started to come out of the upper part of the heating block. It looked like this:
I disassembled the heating block, nozzle, etc., cleaned everything, and reassembled it as the Prusa customer service advised me to do. Unfortunately, this didn’t work.
I decided to buy new parts (as I felt the old ones might have been damaged), and after replacing them, everything seemed fine again. However, the First Layer Calibration was a disaster—sometimes filament would come out, and other times it wouldn’t.
So, I contacted customer service again. They told me that the tension screw on the extruder might be too tight, so I loosened it. This actually worked, and I managed to start printing. However, after about an hour, the print turned out like this.
I contacted customer service once more, and they suggested performing a cold pull (it was not cloggeg)
I did the cold pull, but now I have a new issue: the filament doesn’t come out unless I manually push it in.
Has anyone experienced this problem? What could be the cause? Please help—I just want to be able to use my printer. Could something be broken?
Also, Is it normal that my filament doesn‘t Go to the nozzel with one loading? Is it normal that the filament doesn’t come out with the first unloading?
Thank you!
RE: Please help!!!
I suggest checking if the fastening screw on the extruder gear is properly tightened.
Check if it grabs the filament properly and if it is not grinding in place, if it is grinding then check why the filament blocks in the path from the extruder to the heartbreak and further to the nozzle. Check the ptfe tubes for a wearouts.
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