Nozzle hitting bed after successful print/first layer calibration
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Nozzle hitting bed after successful print/first layer calibration  

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Nozzle hitting bed after successful print/first layer calibration


so I have this weird problem: The self test passes and so does the first layer calibration with an offset of around -0.9mm. Afterwards I print something and everything looks like expected and fine. But now comes the problem: I have a high chance, that the next print afterwards will fail, because the nozzle will hit the bed. I observed that before this happens, the automatic mesh bed leveling will only level all points on the right side within approx. 5cm from the right edge of the bed, as if the Y-axis couldn't be moved all the way to the left, but nevertheless it does not fail but is "successful", starts printing away and well, the nozzle hits the bed. If I do another "first layer calibration" everything works fine for another print... what could this be?


Thanks a lot,


Posted : 27/06/2020 8:10 pm