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Mini sounds like rickety old clock  

New Member
Mini sounds like rickety old clock

Set up brand new mini, sounds very poor and I'm a bit disappointed, could I please get some help troubleshooting?

There is a bad sound:

  1. Correlated to direction change in Y, but worst on solid layers above 1 (fast motion)
  2. Sounds like actual sound is coming from extruder
  3. As the solid layer meets perimiter it seems like extruder is trying to slow down or reverse, can see it jerking back and forth
  4. extruder jerk doesn't ocurr on the base layer
  5. Retraction is obviously performing a similar backwards motion but the noise does not occur.
  6. Tried included "Prusa" plaque and benchy, both have same issue but plaque seems to be worse - benchy has gyroid
  7. different filaments didn't affect
  8. tried different extruder tension, checked gear is clean and dissassembled extruder, checked PTFE - no change
  9. I haven't let any of the test prints complete yet, but couple times they got far and part quality looks excellent
  10. Tried a freshly sliced model, no change
  11. FW 4.2.0
  12. The only thing I messed up was not loading the first filament properly, didn't push it hard enough and it ground a bit, but that was before check / clean. I was expecting a slow takeup like direct drive extruders I'm used to.

As well the hotend fan has a slight rough sound like poor quality / bad bearing.





This topic was modified 5 years ago by cw
Posted : 15/08/2020 6:28 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock

I'm having trouble with video: here's link:

Posted : 15/08/2020 6:41 pm
New Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock

I have exactly the same problem ! Have you found the solution ?



Posted : 30/08/2020 12:51 pm
Active Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock


i also had exactly the same issue. It took me some time to find the exact issue but finally nailed, in my case simply the big gear was loose. Support send me a new gear, bearing and the printed part which is directly screwed to the motor.

You can check if in your case it is the same issue. Simply unload the filament and try to move the big gear through the small door left and right (you can use some force :p), it should absolutely not move and stay rock solid in its position, if it moves then this is what is making the noise during retraction. 

Hope that helps

Posted : 31/08/2020 5:54 pm
Andrew B liked
Active Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock
Let's see if we can solve the problem:
1 Lubricate all non-threaded shafts with prusa grease ... some used silicone grease.
2 place the printer on an absorbent surface, the one used for washing machines, which is found in all large hardware stores.
Underneath put a rigid surface, I have put a terracotta plate and underneath put the 4 absorbent feet that you can download from the site 
3 reduce the speed, that of prusaslicer is too aggressive for me. I have reduced to 40 mm / s
and displacement at 120 mm / s
printing times are extended by a little but everything runs smoothly on the oil. Try and let me know.
Posted : 02/09/2020 10:36 am
Andrew B
Active Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock


mine sounds the same and they keep trying to have me move the hot end up and im saying thats not gonna help.

Posted : 12/09/2020 7:34 pm
Andrew B
Active Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock


mine is the same can you show me what parts they sent.

Posted : 12/09/2020 7:35 pm
Andrew B
Active Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock

i took mine apart is this what you had happen also

Posted : 13/09/2020 12:54 am
Active Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock

same  problem here. Did you manage to fix it? @Andrew B


Posted : 28/04/2021 1:26 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock

I purchased a factory assembled Mini+ last year.  One significant cause of noise was that the extruder drive gear (motor pinion) had been put on wrong - the set screw was not on the flat side of the motor shaft and had loosened up.  Putting that right helped.  

There is a 'normal' amount of extruder retraction noise.

Posted : 28/04/2021 3:00 pm
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: Mini sounds like rickety old clock

One question to all of you having that sound:

Have you installed a filament sensor? And if yes try to run your printer without the sensor. You can leave it plugged in on the electronic board but you don´t let the filament run through it.

When using the printer without the sensor - Can you still hear that noise?

Cause I had that noise too and localised it in the filament sensor.

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Posted : 28/04/2021 9:38 pm