Mesh bed leveling failed.
I have the problem that the Mesh bed leveling failed. I have seen the other thread about the MINDA adjustment but in my case the nozzle doesn't touch the bed. After makeing the 4th test at the bed front the error message occurs. I tried different probe heights already and played with z-Axis offset up to -1mm but always get the same error. Is there anything else to check apart of the probe high?
BTW: I'm new to 3d printing.
Best Answer by Jakub K.:
I had the same issue yesterday when assembling the printer. I called to the support and they told me the MINDA sensor might be malfunctioning, but that wasn't actually the case.
I found out that the real root cause for me was that the bed was inclined by a few millimeters to Z axis (there wasn't 90 degrees angle, but slightly more) which caused that the nozzle was touching the bed on the right side, but when it moved to the left side there was relatively big space between the nozzle and the bed (so big that the software couldn't compensate and the mesh bed leveling failed).
Once I realized the issue, I was able to fix it by loosening the 3 screws holding the Z axis to the base, then putting a thick piece of paper between the lower part of the box with electronics and the base rail, and then by tightening those screws again. That effectively compensated the deviation and the bed have almost perfect 90 degrees angle with the Z-axis now.
I am glad that I was able to fix it by myself, though I am a little angry that I have now a few scratches in the steel sheet from the noozle from the failed leveling callibration.
I hope it helps,
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Also a problem in the other direction. Mentioned some credit cards to manually adjust the Minda. Maybe this helps.
It’s better to give than to receive. Especially advice.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Thanks, yes I have seen that. I've tried already a few different high setups. All with the same result. Will try it again, mabe with a fresh fatory reset.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Do you have the steel sheet on bed while leveling? I am asking because there was few people who had MBL failed and they did not put steel sheet on.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Different heights of the two Z stepper motors, x-axis inclined at height to the bed? Move the extruder to the left, afterwards to the right side and compare the nozzlehigh. The same procedure in y-direction.
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Different heights of the two Z stepper motors
Mini has only one Z stepper 😉
Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Sorry, wrong section!
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
I had the same issue yesterday when assembling the printer. I called to the support and they told me the MINDA sensor might be malfunctioning, but that wasn't actually the case.
I found out that the real root cause for me was that the bed was inclined by a few millimeters to Z axis (there wasn't 90 degrees angle, but slightly more) which caused that the nozzle was touching the bed on the right side, but when it moved to the left side there was relatively big space between the nozzle and the bed (so big that the software couldn't compensate and the mesh bed leveling failed).
Once I realized the issue, I was able to fix it by loosening the 3 screws holding the Z axis to the base, then putting a thick piece of paper between the lower part of the box with electronics and the base rail, and then by tightening those screws again. That effectively compensated the deviation and the bed have almost perfect 90 degrees angle with the Z-axis now.
I am glad that I was able to fix it by myself, though I am a little angry that I have now a few scratches in the steel sheet from the noozle from the failed leveling callibration.
I hope it helps,
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Thanks for the information. Glad you were able to solve the problem. Another variant of inclination.. 😆
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Thanks Jakup, that sounds promissing. I will check that during the weekend.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
I’m having a similar issue. However I printed 3 items before the issue showed up.
when it does the check for mesh leveling it’s fine on the right side and way up the air on the left.
I’ll give the Z axis a loosen and re-tighten and check it’s alightment.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Hey Jakup, I have exactly the same problem ass you described and your tip with adding a think paper at the bottom between the two peaces solved it for me too.
Many thanks, you saved Christmas (slightly exaggerated 😀 ).
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
As a newbie awaiting my first i3 delivery, it is slightly concerning that I may need to use sheets of paper and credit cards to get the bed levelled correctly. I take it this is rare and most issues like this are ironed out by Prusa.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
As a newbie awaiting my first i3 delivery, it is slightly concerning that I may need to use sheets of paper and credit cards to get the bed levelled correctly. I take it this is rare and most issues like this are ironed out by Prusa.
This is the group for the newly-released Mini. The Mk3 has been around awhile (assuming you've got an Original Prusa i3 Mk3) and does not generally have these issues. These sorts of things tend to get ironed out pretty quickly on a new release. The Mk3 had its share of quirks at the start, but it's a very mature and reliable platform now.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Hi bobstro. Ah thanks, I forgot I was on the Mini group, I ordered the Mini but felt the wait was too long so took the plunge for the i3 which arrives in January 🙂 ! I will browse the i3 forum, very excited!
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Got my new MINDA sensor and all is well again with the mini.
Happy Printing and New Year!
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
hi 🙂 do you have a picture for me? maybe i have similier problem 🙁 thx
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
@aleksandar-dimitrov Here is a video of what it can looks like when the sensor is failing.
In the case for this video it is only failing on the left side (happened because the sensor wires were getting pulled as it moved far to the left).
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Hello! I had the same problem. I unscrewed all three screws and forcing very little angle (pushing the Z-axis motor), I tightened the screws back. Thus I achieved the angle of 90 degrees. I gave reset and recalibration. It came out very well.
RE: Mesh bed leveling failed.
Pictures please which threads I should loosing and tighten