Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements
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Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements  

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Adam G
Active Member
Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

I received my MINI at the beginning of March and aside from a couple small issues, it has been working like a charm. But lately I had been hearing a sort of 'rattle' during fast and long diagonal movements. I recently reached 200 print hours and, per the manual, lubricated each axis. I've seen no issues on the axis' that would indicate insufficient lubricant. I have checked to make sure that all the screws are tight and that there is nothing on the table that might just be rattling due to vibrations. Smaller and slower movements of any direction do not seem to make this noise. Any idea what could be causing this sound?

Posted : 20/04/2020 3:03 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

The sound at about 8 seconds? I have that as well, must be something vibrating inside the printer.

Posted : 23/04/2020 6:41 pm
Adam G
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

That was my thought as well. I rechecked all the screws and they weren't loose. It almost sounds like its a ball-bearing in one of the axis'.

Posted : 25/04/2020 9:19 pm
trigger from DK
Active Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Mine is the same.. i Think it Comes From the Electronics box... hmm Would be Nice if it was silent 🤣🤣

Posted : 26/04/2020 9:53 pm
Adam G
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

I didn't even think to check the electronics box, I'll have to take a look a that. Thank you.

Posted : 02/05/2020 4:27 am
Eminent Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Hi i have the Same Problem, mine is Loud too .... thats the Y Axis Motor in my Opinion ... im a little sad that the Printer is so loud, my ender with the new silent board is very Quiet.

Posted : 02/05/2020 11:14 pm
trigger from DK
Active Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Somebody found a fix ? 

Posted : 10/05/2020 10:16 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Well I know for sure with mine and many others it's X axis idler (which I still haven't bothered to fix...).

Posted : 11/05/2020 8:17 am
Reputable Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements
Posted by: @crawlerin

Well I know for sure with mine and many others it's X axis idler (which I still haven't bothered to fix...).

Do you mean the Y axis Idler? I have fixed the sound coming from the Y axis by pushing a peace of filament on the right side of the idler (and pushed the belt back to the center) with the peace of filament the idler is steady -- the belt stays in the center and my noise from Y has been solved. I still need a fix for the X axis (the belt grinds the X end stop and the belt starts to loose fibers while making the noise) I have printed the replacement (R2) part in PETG but am waiting for a guide how to replace the part

Mini with FW:4.4.1 + SuperPINDA + Bondtech Heatbreak + PC4-M8 couplers + 1 piece boden

Posted : 11/05/2020 8:25 am
Prominent Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements


Yep, my X belt grinds end stop too, makes noise when moving to the right, and I regularly blow out little black pieces from underneath X idler. Y axis belt is OK. I am considering printing all parts in my favorite transparent green and do whole printer makeover 😊 That should take care of belt issue too.

Posted : 11/05/2020 8:44 am
Oxygen liked
trigger from DK
Active Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

this might be a noob question... but what is the X axis IDLER ? I know what x axis is and Y and Z 

but what is the IDLER ? 


when I print small parts the printer is very silent.. but if I print big squares where there are a lot of diagonal movement then it starts buzzing 🙂
it sounds very much like some resonans sound

Posted : 11/05/2020 11:17 am
Reputable Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Look @ github for the parts and names

for example the is ithe Y Idler


rotate the the part for 45 degrees (to eliminate combined X and Y movements) to isolate if the sound is from X or Y (or only diagonal)

Mini with FW:4.4.1 + SuperPINDA + Bondtech Heatbreak + PC4-M8 couplers + 1 piece boden

Posted : 11/05/2020 11:26 am
New Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Heyya, I was having the same issue with the X-Axis squeaking/grinding

for me, it turned out to be the X-Axis-End not being parallel to the smooth rods!!!!!!

this caused the belt and X-Axis-Idler to wobble, it also makes the linear bearings twist inside the Print Carriage thus creating the grinding noise 


Blue arrows show the direction I needed to straighten the X-Axis-End. might be the other way around for others. hope this helps!

X-Axis Twist

Best Regards

Ya Boi. Flutti Dutti

This post was modified 5 years ago by Fluttex
Posted : 03/09/2020 3:04 pm
Active Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements
Let's see if we can solve the problem:
1 Lubricate all non-threaded shafts with prusa grease ... some used silicone grease.
2 place the printer on an absorbent surface, the one used for washing machines, which is found in all large hardware stores.
Underneath put a rigid surface, I have put a terracotta plate and underneath put the 4 absorbent feet that you can download from the site   https://www.prusaprinters.org/it/prints/38506-prusa-mini-silencerdampener.  
3 reduce the speed, that of prusaslicer is too aggressive for me. I have reduced to 40 mm / s
and displacement at 120 mm / s
printing times are extended by a little but everything runs smoothly on the oil. Try and let me know.
Posted : 04/09/2020 8:30 am
Eminent Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements


This fixed the X axis resonance sound for me! Thanks.

Posted : 14/06/2021 12:50 pm
New Member
new mini+ grinding noise

Hi, sorry to resurrect this old post but can you tell me A) how I can tell if this is what's causing my new Mini's noise issue (sounds the same)/which way the rods need to straighten and B) how do you actually go about straightening them? Thank you very much, my friend!

Posted by: @fluttex

Heyya, I was having the same issue with the X-Axis squeaking/grinding

for me, it turned out to be the X-Axis-End not being parallel to the smooth rods!!!!!!

this caused the belt and X-Axis-Idler to wobble, it also makes the linear bearings twist inside the Print Carriage thus creating the grinding noise 


Blue arrows show the direction I needed to straighten the X-Axis-End. might be the other way around for others. hope this helps!

X-Axis Twist

Best Regards

Ya Boi. Flutti Dutti


Posted : 12/09/2021 3:17 pm
Estimable Member


Posted by: @yhz88

Hi, sorry to resurrect this old post but can you tell me A) how I can tell if this is what's causing my new Mini's noise issue (sounds the same)/which way the rods need to straighten and B) how do you actually go about straightening them? Thank you very much, my friend!

Posted by: @fluttex

Heyya, I was having the same issue with the X-Axis squeaking/grinding

for me, it turned out to be the X-Axis-End not being parallel to the smooth rods!!!!!!

this caused the belt and X-Axis-Idler to wobble, it also makes the linear bearings twist inside the Print Carriage thus creating the grinding noise 


Blue arrows show the direction I needed to straighten the X-Axis-End. might be the other way around for others. hope this helps!

X-Axis Twist

Best Regards

Ya Boi. Flutti Dutti


Look in step 33 in this link: https://help.prusa3d.com/en/guide/3-x-axis-extruder-assembly_199519

Posted : 12/09/2021 5:44 pm
New Member
Thank you!

Commenting just to give a shout-out to Fluttex - you saved me such a headache! 

The vibration was so bad and just ruining the experience. I also had a Creality Ender 3 with all of the silent upgrades and was really pissed when the Mini was sigificantly louder. The prints have always been perfect, but the noise was horrendous. 

Thank you sir. And anyone else in a similar situation, please try adjusting the X Axis End

Posted by: @fluttex

Heyya, I was having the same issue with the X-Axis squeaking/grinding

for me, it turned out to be the X-Axis-End not being parallel to the smooth rods!!!!!!

this caused the belt and X-Axis-Idler to wobble, it also makes the linear bearings twist inside the Print Carriage thus creating the grinding noise 


Blue arrows show the direction I needed to straighten the X-Axis-End. might be the other way around for others. hope this helps!

X-Axis Twist

Best Regards

Ya Boi. Flutti Dutti


Posted : 20/09/2021 10:00 pm
New Member
diagonal noises

I had a similar issue that the thing would make crazy loud noises while printing something long and diagonal. My issue was that i forgot to tighten the screws in the back of the machine that holds the back stepper. The guide said to not tighten yet... but never reminded me to tighten after everything was done.

Posted : 04/10/2021 1:49 pm
Active Member
RE: Loud grinding/rattling-type noise during fast diagonal movements

Waking up this thread 😀 since Issue is not being resolved at all....

I have made a lot of upgraded to try and curb this grinding/rattling noises... 

1. Igus upgrade to eliminate any possibility that noise is coming from metal on metal contact (X and Y)- Machine still grinding and rattling

2. Direct Drive Extruder (Stock was pathetic...)- Machine still grinding and rattling

3. Motherboard housing with added extra connection points to the frame - Machine still grinding and rattling

4. Belt replacement with GT2 (looks a bit softer than stock) - Machine still grinding and rattling

5. Y Motor secured with Double-sided Silicon Tape (1mm) to eliminate contact with plastic frame - Machine still grinding and rattling

6. Whole machine re-checked for any loose screws and not tightened one (all fine) - Machine still grinding and rattling

7. Did all those alignment steps from How To's and all is straight as an arrow BUT - Machine still grinding and rattling

8. I have not bloody IDEA what the heck is making those noises!!!


Only thing left for me to check is to disassemble X axis and check extruder and what is going on in there. But how that is assembled/designed is just PITA so I will try it when I have time and when I am really in a good mode before I go and disassemble all of it AGAIN...

Posted : 19/12/2021 11:10 am
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