I had a pretty messy failure of a first print...question about cleanup
New semi-assembled mini+, did the calibration wizard a few times, had some seemingly successful bed leveling zig-zag tests, so I decided to print the Prusa logo that came pre-loaded. Started it, when to eat dinner and came back to a mess. After the first few layers, it seems like it peeled and lost adhesion, then just spiraled from there.
I found the base off to the side of the bed and this mess all around the nozzle, see picture: https://imgur.com/a/K3weQF6
It seems like the core of my issue was bed adhesion, so I adjusted the z offset yet again and switched the the non-textured bed. So far, so good.
edit: fixed imgur link
My question though is about the globby mess of PLA around the nozzle and heatbreak. I was able to pick nearly all of it off by just pre-heating things and going at it with precision tweezers, but it got into the gap between the nozzle and the heatbreak, which is too tight to gently scrape away. Since I've made adjustments, things are printing fine, but should I take that whole assembly apart and get the PLA out of that gap?