Changing Filament
Do I need to recalibrate my z-axis every time I add new filament?
I was printing along just fine with the gray that came with the machine, have completed several successful prints. Last night I switched to orange, and it is not adhering properly and is curling up along the edges of the first layer. I read that this could be due to the PLA cooling too quickly, so I upped my bed temp to 65 but I'm still seeing the same issue. Another forum I read said that it happened to them when the nozzle was too close, but it wasn't too close when it just completed a successful print 5 minutes before. Is it because of the filament difference? They are both 1.75mm but IDK if the new one is a cheaper / lower quality product and that's causing the issues or what. There's no reason for the bed to have become unlevel and it's happening across the whole surface. What do I need to do?
Do I need to recalibrate my z-axis every time I add new filament?
Yes. You need at least to check it. Different filaments often can require a slight tweak.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Thanks. I adjusted it very slightly but was still having the same issues. I figured out with this filament I had to really slow down the first layer print, then it was fine. I'm new to all of this so troubleshooting is something I'm still figuring out.
Good news. Just remember each filament is different. Start with the basics: clean bed and the right z. It never hurts to slow the print down too.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog