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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2018/01/11
Eminent Member
Any updates on how this worked out for you?

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
No images for me either.

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
Don't shoot the messenger! If it's any consolation to those...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
[...] So I'm wondering is is possible to move objects via th...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
So... Slic3r PE (and PrusaControl) are in constant/regular ...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
I know I am just whining here: I ordered many months ago but...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
The funny thing is: this issue has been considered CLOSED si...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
Well, I must say the Kores that came with the kit worked gre...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 7 years
Joan is right. The number on the left is the current temp. ...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 7 years
I don't believe your Live Z is low enough. That skirt line ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
I print quite a bit with Raptor and use a variation of Prusa...

Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

Vor 7 years
Settings > Temperature > Nozzle Sure, you have spin t...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 7 years
The manual recommends the Live Z not exceed -1.0. You shoul...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
Are you sure you have the MK3 printer selected? I looked at...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 7 years
OK. I misunderstood what you were saying. If you actually l...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 7 years
I am confused. You said Prusa Control is set to 55 for all ...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 7 years
How do I go about turning off the sensor? Settings > Fi...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 7 years
Honestly, I gave up on the built in live z adjustment and us...

Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

Vor 7 years
The temperature is the same at 55 degrees for all layers. ...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 7 years
Kind of hard to tell what's going on from those pictures. S...

Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

Vor 7 years
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