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Groupe: Enregistré
A(ont) rejoint: 2021/03/21
Reputable Member
@ssill2 The more I think about this the more strange this ge...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@ssill2 Ok, I go over to github and see how things workThank...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@dan-rogers Now I get it, if you mean "extrusion width"?

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@ssill2 You are welcome to try my test.3mf, with and without...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@ssill2 As I expected, you have "SemiFlex or NinjaFlex 85-98...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@ssill2 Do you have PrusaSlicers "SemiFlex or NinjaFlex 85-9...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
I THINK I now understand what you mean, and where do I find ...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@swiss_cheese Perhaps I find the problem, and a solution. An...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@swiss_cheese There is some strange things going on, this is...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@swiss_cheese Thanks for confirm @bobstro I just re-read wha...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
Is it possible to make use of "First Layer Height"? (My defa...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
Could you pleeease take that one more time, and a little mor...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@johann It will be easier for someone to help you if you upl...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 4 years
@martinfroml I THINK I understand what you want to do.It wil...

Dans le forum PrusaSlicer

il y a 4 years
@neophyl Thank YOU, didn´t know that 👍

Dans le forum PrusaSlicer

il y a 4 years
@zapta Prusaslicers config files,In Prusaslicer, "Help", "Sh...

Dans le forum PrusaSlicer

il y a 4 years
@cwbullet Good to hear 👍

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
And @tim-2 is gone....Sure hope he´s coming back one way or ...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
@trevor-3 Upload a zipped 3mf-file, then it will be easier t...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 4 years
@piotrpm 👍

Dans le forum PrusaSlicer

il y a 4 years
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