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Rick Lohr
Rick Lohr
Gruppo: Registrato
Registrato: 2022/01/03
Trusted Member
I wonder if you could buy just the pump interface to put on...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
I looked at a print I did of this same object a year ago, an...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
RE: Internal structures affecting external perimeter of prin...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
Well, I found the answer and it turns out to be really easy....

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
Thanks for the clarification. Now I know why I didn't under...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
I must be dense because I don't follow that at all, lol.

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
Thanks, that gives me something to work with.

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
Hotter temperatures give additional strength as well.

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
Internal structures affecting external perimeter of print, a...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 months fa
Thanks! I actually have a Polyphemus on order, but I had so...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months fa
How do I keep my bed heated for 3+ hours to dry filament?

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months fa
The documented example linked to above is no longer is asses...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

10 months fa
Thanks for the great responses. Think I will be getting som...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months fa
Thanks for the quick responses. I was wondering whether the...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months fa
What is the science behind vacuum sealed bags over just seal...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months fa
Any new guidance here years later?

Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

11 months fa
Relatively new printer groaning on right side

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

11 months fa
Having problems attaching files  Lighted-Camera-Mount...

Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

3 years fa
Thanks. Try these.

Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

3 years fa
Thanks. Try these. Update: I thought I attached file...

Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

3 years fa
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