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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2017/02/01
Reputable Member
Hello to all! i've got my new rpi (after i burnt one) and r...

In forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

7 years temu
Beware of that instructions on thingiverse! Pinout on actual...

In forum Others (Archive)

7 years temu
Hm...i just fried my RPi... 😯 I inserted it just lik...

In forum Others (Archive)

7 years temu
Did you calibrate it ? Run Calibration wizard - it will, amo...

In forum Others (Archive)

7 years temu
I think that what we really need are speed settings. Other t...

In forum Others (Archive)

7 years temu
Just wondering...did anyone tried to use S3D with new MK3 an...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years temu
Well, on my printer temperature of nozzle stays rock solid a...

In forum Others (Archive)

7 years temu
I installed sock on my mk3 and it fits like a glove. It's or...

In forum Others (Archive)

7 years temu
Aha...i think i know what you mean. In this case second colo...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years temu
Hm..i think i don't quite understand what you mean...? M600 ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years temu
Aha, so filament,is changed in each layer... ok, more work, ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years temu
Uau, great product! Congratulations! So, you made each color...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years temu
I see... i think this can be even more simple that method wi...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years temu
Ok, thanks for answers. Wish me luck...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
That's what i meant to do, yes. But, as you said (" ver...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
Multi-color printing different way

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
Strona 15 / 15