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Gruppo: PrusaLink-beta
Registrato: 2017/10/25
Titolo: Utenti
Still the same. Please, check your personal messages. I sent...

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

7 years fa
Nezbylo než oslovit přímo Plasty Mladeč, protože bavit se s ...

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

7 years fa
Hi Neolker, please empty your cache and cookies, some browse...

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

7 years fa
Is it only me or the main structure is broken when I'm logge...

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

7 years fa
Josef radil nedotahovat šrouby na krev, jen zlehka a sedí to...

Nel forum Složení tiskárny a řešení potíží s prvním tiskem

7 years fa
You can find Spitfire files in models for MK2 (you have to i...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years fa
💡 Use a small layer of liquid electrical tape.

Nel forum Others (Archive)

7 years fa
Autodesk Fusion 360 - It is featured CAD for 3D printing mod...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

7 years fa
Slic3r rotate shortcut

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

7 years fa
I guess that SD .gcodes are obsolete (for older FW). Let's t...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

7 years fa
Ad čištění trysky, ideální je kartáček s mosaznými štětinami...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware a software (Pomoc)

7 years fa
I have upgraded to 3.1.2 Final today. Just curious why do ...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

7 years fa
It seems the GPIO header pins recommended by Prusa to connec...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

7 years fa
Again it was the infill that does the difference between Sim...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years fa
Na problému s PINDA2 se už pracuje viz a vyjde oprava během...

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

7 years fa
On both should be 100% after the 1st layer by default.

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years fa
Je to kvůli vyšším rychlostem. Pro PLA je to v pohodě, ale p...

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

7 years fa
Nope, if this is the cooling problem, than the print from Si...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years fa
Lze to přes Pronterface či Octoprint 😉

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

7 years fa
Just look at the 3D preview to this spot. Slic3r does here s...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

7 years fa
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