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Bill H
Bill H
Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2020/07/07
Eminent Member
Ok good advice. I'll stop using the Prit Stick What about Is...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Well I’m happy with that, maybe slightly low but hey Ho. ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Tried again today. Pre Heated the printer using the Prusa PL...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
So just wash the sheet, does this refer to the smooth magnet...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Can anyone update me on the above, ref nozzle heights? Do I ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Did this in a bit of a rush and it's a little confusing (my ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
But when I took it off of the heat bed, the diagonals are al...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Here is the finished calibration print?  IMG_9778.j...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Sorry just found the live adjust setting. It just beeped at...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Sorry nube here, I have downloaded and started to print the ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
And here  thumbnail_image0.jpeg

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Z Offset is now -1.02mm and seems to be adhering ok, but now...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Hi, Z Level set at -1.095mm  D7A00A83-F50F-40EF-8057...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
That was the over extruded bit, here’s the rest. Maybe it po...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
And here’s a close up, what do you think?  D5BD1A5A-...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
I ran the PRUSA logo test print and apart from the first few...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
The PINDA is definitely higher, just ran the test again and ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
Filament Extrusion Test Failure - Hot End Too High

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
The first place I saw PTFE mentioned was in step 30 which is...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 4 years
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